Surface Tension and the Natural Flow-Geometry of Place-Time
A manifestation of the mutually inclusive relationship between receptive spatial influence and energetic current in all material forms
What is it that holds together
What would otherwise drift apart
If not an innermost receptive call
To all around
To come into circulation
In confluent formation dance?
A call that once made
Can then be relayed
With gathering momentum
But decreasing intensity
In swelling circumference
Until the balance is reached
When the call from without
Is equal to the call from within
A call that can only be understood
When natural space is perceived as continuous receptive attractor
Not separator
And natural boundaries as energetic distinctions
Not definitive isolators
Quite a few years ago, now, I became aware that it doesn’t make sense to regard matter-energy and space-time as if they are separable from one another (see, for example, Rayner 2011, 2017). This is simply because if space as an intangible presence is literally everywhere, without limit, and matter is only somewhere, then it follows that matter and space are mutually inclusive, not mutually exclusive in the way that conventional logic presupposes. Furthermore, this is only possible if matter is a dynamic configuration of space in space. In other words natural geometry is a flow-geometry of ‘place-time’, not a definitive geometry of matter and space as three dimensional structure.
So what do I mean by ‘place-time’? Simply this:- a dynamic inclusion of space in place. Nature itself.
Now it becomes possible to understand the mutually inclusive relationship between ‘quantum’ reality and ‘tangible’ reality, which abstract dualism paradoxically splits apart and abstract monism paradoxically conflates.
‘Quantum reality’ is ‘intangible’ — a frictionless and hence immeasurable quality of continuous occurrence. A realm of ‘possibility’ that tangible reality emerges from and subsides into.
Natural ‘space’ is an intangible occurrence of receptive stillness (~darkness/transparency) — not measurable distance
Natural ‘time’ is an intangible occurrence of continuous motion (~light/energy) — not measurable duration
Natural substance (~matter) is a tangible local and temporary expression of receptive-responsive relationship between intangible space and intangible time resulting in ‘surface tension’ of varying intensity in solid, liquid, gas and plasma form and from sub-atomic to galactic in scale.
Distance is tangible length of travel between one locality in space and another.
Duration is tangible interval elapsing between one locality in time and another.
Living bodies are those in which surface tension is sufficient to sustain a high degree of co-ordination around a coherent self-identity as a centre of receptive and responsive awareness (sentience/ consciousness).
Non-living bodies and materials are those in which surface tension is insufficient to sustain a coherent self-identity as a centre of sentience.
Death is the release of surface tension into the receptive grace of space.
All Falls Into Place-Time
When we acknowledge
The receptive spatial hollowness of our interior
And the responsive energetic surfacing of our exterior
As the love in our life
The focal point of gravity within our dynamic situation
As our true self-centre
In natural communion with all
Rayner, A.D. (2011) Space cannot be cut. Why self-identity naturally includes neighbourhood. Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science 45, 161–144.
Rayner, A. (2017) The Origin of Life Patterns In the Natural Inclusion of Space in Flux. Springer
For further exploration of natural inclusion, please visit