Self-Exclusion: The Abstract Root of Our Modern Scientific, Psychological, Social and Environmental Crisis — and Its Natural Remedy

Every living being has a unique, receptive-in-responsive self/awareness, which simultaneously both influences and is influenced by its contextual neighbourhood ( ).
Please bear this in mind whenever you glibly tell someone to ‘be objective’, ‘not take it personally’, ‘lose yourself’, ‘disregard ego’, ‘be your own boss’, ‘be independent’, ‘take control’, ‘stay positive’, ‘do anything you want’, ‘not let others affect you’, ‘be successful’ etc, etc.
It’s that kind of compassion-less, unreasonable, dishonest nonsense that resides at the root of our modern scientific, psychological, social and environmental crisis, preventing human understanding and flourishing.
It can be remedied by appreciating our natural self-inclusion within each others’ neighbourhood, which arises ultimately from the mutually inclusive, co-creative relationship between receptive spatial stillness and responsive energetic motion in all material bodies.
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