No Compromise — The Co-Creative Middle

Alan Rayner
2 min readJan 24, 2021


Real Life Emergence — Daytime version’ (Oil painting on board by Alan Rayner, 2018)

You’d have thought it was obvious

Wouldn’t you?

That a world divided between poles

Isn’t a world

But a mess

At odds with its self


You’d have thought it was obvious

Wouldn’t you?

That a world of two poles

United as One

Isn’t a world

But a nonentity

A pinprick in space


You’d have thought it was obvious

Wouldn’t you?

That between these extremes

Is the reality of a world in motion

A One with a midpoint and circumference

Spinning its story of space

Within, throughout and beyond its dynamic envelope

In endless circulation


You’d have thought it was obvious

Wouldn’t you?

That a humanity divided between poles:-

Black against White

Male against Female

Good against Evil

Reason against Emotion

Object against Subject

Us against Them

Me against You

Science against Art

Material against Spirit

Belief against Disbelief

Faith against Faith

Isn’t humanity

But a mess

At odds with its self


You’d have thought it was obvious

Wouldn’t you?

That a humanity born of male and female

In co-creative partnership

Homogenised into Unity

Is a compromised sludge

Not a diverse community

Combining individual difference

In common significance


So, why on Earth

Do we continue

To carry on regardless

Dividing or Uniting

The One and the Many

In universal disgrace

As exceptions from Space?


When we could

Without needless confusion

Include each in the other’s embrace

In natural communion

Immersed in infinite receptivity

Everlasting Grace


For further exploration of the natural inclusion of each in the other, please visit my personal website at



Alan Rayner

Alan Rayner is an evolutionary ecologist, writer and artist, who is pioneering the philosophy of natural inclusion