Who doesn’t know how it feels
To feel insecure
To crave certain anchorage
In reliable structure
To attach your self to
Only to find it ties you down
To groundless ground
And gives way as false foundation
Just when you thought your life depended on it?
What then becomes of your questing spirit
Does it sink into fathomless oblivion
Or buoy you up in wide soft space
Free-floating with relief
Far-seeing and foreseeing
In exhilarating current
What lay hidden beyond your safety specs
Before now?
Who doesn’t know how it feels
To feel singularly susceptible?
To crave security in numbers
Who consolidate your view
In concrete rules and regulations
Only to find they drag you back
To senseless paradox
And prove to be no more than flimsy fabrication
Just when you felt you most needed a safety net?
What then becomes of your yearning soul?
Does it drift into splendid isolation
Or find its feet in natural communion
The relief of belonging
With other seekers
Adventurously unknowing
What is to come at the end of your tunnel vision
After now?
Here is the true choice
We all have to make
When what we come to believe for safety’s sake is true
Proves false
And what we are led to believe by high security is false
Proves true
Will we fly free from what restrains us?
Will we crash on what drags us aground?
Discovering in the process
That what we feared as free fall
Allows us to move
And what we feared would break us
Is what makes us
Who and what and as we really are
Neither safe nor beyond recall
The intangible within the tangible
Love in life itself
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See also:-