I Have No Business Here

Alan Rayner
May 19, 2021


‘Anew Leaf’ (acrylic painting on board by Alan Rayner, 2020) At the turn of the decade, I resolve to open up a new horizon, and to make a start by painting a new picture. I find a dead maple leaf in a gutter, beginning to disintegrate. I set out to resurrect it in the colours of freshly fallen autumn leaves, lifted up into clear blue sky, leaving behind its mirror image in a sky-filled hole.

I have nothing to sell

No one to tell

No hidden agenda

No vested interests

No heroes to worship

No organization to manage

No empires to rule

No industries to serve

No institutional support

No salary to earn

No profit to turn

No money to burn

No self-belief

No clients to coach

No patients to cure

No therapy to seek

No books to promote

No courses to offer

No technologies to invent

No theories to present

No religious persuasion

No fan clubs to grow

No party-political allegiance

No magical tricks

No axes to grind

No alternatives to debate

No points to score

No games to win

No battles to lose


I am here for one sincere reason, alone

To open the door


For further exploration beyond the open door, please visit http://www.spanglefish.com/exploringnaturalinclusion



Alan Rayner

Alan Rayner is an evolutionary ecologist, writer and artist, who is pioneering the philosophy of natural inclusion