Coming Together & Drifting Apart
From Knowledge to Wisdom & Wisdom to Knowledge
‘Knowledge of many things is not wisdom’, said Heraclitus. Wisdom is understanding the essence of things, we can all recognise.
Nature is not made of snippets of information that combine together to make a permanent ‘whole’, complete in its self. The essence of things is that Nature is made from continuous informational flow around and between receptive centres of continuous space.
To be wise, you don’t have to know everything, be super-intelligent or be super-equipped with technological wizardry. You only need to be aware that no body can exist without volume, and for this to be so, form and formlessness must be distinct, not mutually exclusive or one and the same thing. You can then appreciate the simple receptive-responsive relationship between spatial stillness and energetic motion that in-forms the diversity of all material expression.
Form and Formlessness
And the Natural Inclusion of Each in the Other
It’s All so very Simple
There is Form
There is Formlessness
Split Apart
Neither Alone can make Sense of Life
But Each included in the Other
Falls naturally into Place
Form Flows into and out
From Formless Existence
Formlessness Flows into Life
In Form
Form pulls its own Weight
While Formlessness is Weightless
Until its two Great Architects -
Space & Light
Come Together
In Silent Stillness & Lively Motion
Every Night & Every Day
In Every Body
Every Now & Every Then
Coming Together, Drifting Apart
When All is disparate
Nothing works
To bring what passes
Into confluence
Around its self
In tangible formation
From intangible diffusion
For a while
Before returning whence it came
Ready to reconfigure
But not without learning
From past experience
Further Reading:-
Rayner, A.D. (2011). Space cannot be cut: why self-identity naturally includes neighbourhood. Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science, 45, 161–184.
45, 161–184.
Rayner ADM (2011) NaturesScope: Unlocking our natural empathy and creativity — an inspiring new way of relating to our natural origins and one another through natural inclusion. Winchester, UK; Washington USA: O Books.
Rayner, A. (2012) What are natural systems, actually? Advances in System Science and Application 12, 328–347
Rayner, A (2017) The Origin of Life Patterns In the Natural Inclusion Of Space in Flux Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
Rayner, A (2020) From abstract freeze-frame to natural kinship
Rayner, A (2020) The Natural Inclusion of Difference
Rayner, A (accepted for publication) The natural inclusion of diversity in community. A preprint is privately available on application to the author.
Rayner, A (2020) Evolutionary Flow
Rayner, A (2020) Simplicity & Entanglement
Rayner, A (2020) Permafrost & Fertile GroundWhat
Rayner, A (2020) Beyond Objectification